The bases of Software Copyright

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The bases of Software Copyright
The bases of Software Copyright
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Software copyright is a type of intellectual property law that protects original works of authorship, including software and databases, in the same way as books, music, and other creative works. It gives the copyright owner exclusive rights to use, copy, distribute, and make derivative works based on the protected software or database. This protection encourages innovation and creativity by providing incentives to inventors, creators, and developers to continue creating new and innovative software solutions. 

The Software Copyright is automatic and applies as soon as the software is created and fixed in a tangible form, such as a source code or executable file. 

While both patents and copyrights offer legal protection for software, there are some key differences that make it harder to protect software with a patent than with copyright. Patents require a much higher level of novelty and non-obviousness than copyright, which means that it's much harder to obtain a patent for a software innovation. Additionally, patents only protect against exact copies of the invention, while Software Copyright protects against any similar works. Furthermore, the patent process can be lengthy and expensive, while copyright protection is automatic.

Software Copyright protects the source code and the content of databases. It is automatic, requires originality, and applies as soon as the software or database is created. This means that the creator of the software or database owns the copyright, unless they assign or license the rights to someone else. In some cases, a team of people may collaborate to create a software program, and in those cases, the copyright ownership may be shared among the collaborators. 

The copyright owner has exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display the software or database. This means that others cannot use or copy the software without the owner's permission. The owner can license their software to others, granting them specific rights to use the software or database, in exchange for payment or other considerations. 

Software copyright gives the software author the exclusive right to do or authorize any of the following: 

  • Make copies of the software 
  • Create derivative works based on the software 
  • Distribute copies of the software to the public 
  • Perform the software publicly 
  • Display the software publicly 

Software Copyright protection lasts for a specific period of time, typically the life of the author plus 70 years. During this time, the copyright owner has the exclusive right to control how their software is used and distributed, and can take legal action against anyone who infringes on their copyright.


Software copyright is a critical aspect of intellectual property law that protects the rights of software developers and other creators of original works of authorship. By understanding the fundamental concepts of software copyright, you can take steps to protect your intellectual property and ensure that your software is not used or copied without your permission. By partnering with trusted third-party companies like Vaultinum, you can take advantage of probationary certified deposit solutions that provide an extra layer of security and protection for your intellectual property, granting an unforgeable proof of the date of creation. This creates an official record of the creation and ownership of the work, which can be used as evidence in court if there is a dispute over copyright ownership or infringement. Additionally, registering a copyright with a deposit can make it easier to prove damages in a copyright infringement lawsuit. By providing a clear date of creation, a software copyright deposit can help creators protect their rights and prevent others from using their work without permission. 

Trade secrets and trademarks can also both increase IP protection by providing additional legal means to protect a company's intellectual property. 

Trade secrets can include confidential information such as formulas, processes, and strategies that give a company a competitive advantage. By keeping this information secret, a company can prevent competitors from using it to gain an unfair advantage. To protect trade secrets, companies can implement strict security measures, including non-disclosure agreements and access controls, to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the information. In case of any breach, companies can pursue legal action against the offending party. 

Trademarks, on the other hand, protect a company's brand identity by providing exclusive rights to use a particular name, logo, or design associated with their products or services. By registering a trademark, companies can prevent others from using a similar mark that might cause confusion among consumers, potentially diluting the brand's reputation. Trademarks also provide legal grounds for pursuing legal action against infringers. 



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Marine Yborra, CMO Vaultinum
Marine YborraMarine is our Marketing Director. She is a branding and brand activation specialist with international experience in BtoB and BtoC.

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