How to perform a Tech Due Diligence on a Software Company

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As a Tech Investor looking to invest in a software company, or an M&A lawyer managing this investment process, performing a Tech Due Diligence is crucial to ensure that you make a sound investment decision. A Tech Due Diligence process involves a comprehensive review of the software company's technology stack, including its software code, systems, infrastructure, and intellectual property. In this article, we will guide you through the process of conducting a Tech Due Diligence on a software company.

How to perform a Tech Due Diligence on a Software Company
How to perform a Tech Due Diligence on a Software Company
Table of contents

Determine the scope of the Tech Due Diligence

The first step in conducting a tech due diligence is to determine the scope of the Technical Due Diligence. This involves understanding the business goals of the software company, the type of software they develop, and the technologies they use. This information will help you identify the areas that need to be reviewed during the Due Diligence process.

Review the software code and infrastructure

Once you have determined the scope of the Tech Due Diligence, the next step is to review the software code and infrastructure. This involves examining the software architecture, the software source code, the coding practices, the development processes, and the deployment practices of the software company. It is also important to review the infrastructure that supports the software, including the servers, databases, and networks. 

The purpose of this step is to identify any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the software code and infrastructure. These can include security flaws, performance issues, scalability challenges, and compliance risks. It is also important to assess the overall quality of the software code and infrastructure to ensure that it is reliable and maintainable in the long term. 

Conducting a comprehensive tech due diligence requires a multifaceted approach that goes beyond assessing the technical capabilities of a company's technology stack. It is essential to analyze how well the technology development aligns with the business objectives to ensure that the technology is delivering value to the organization. Additionally, evaluating any compliance issues arising from the company's intellectual property portfolio is critical to avoid potential legal disputes. This includes assessing the strength of the company's patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and identifying any potential infringement risks. GDPR regulations in Europe also need to be considered, as compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid hefty fines and legal issues. A thorough review of the company's data management practices, including data privacy and security measures, is therefore essential.

To wrap things up, conducting a Tech Due Diligence on a software company is a must-do process for lawyers and investors alike when making investment decisions. Usually, this is done by an outside specialist who can give an unbiased, detailed, and contextualized analysis. If you want the full picture when it comes to understanding the technology, make sure to choose a provider that includes an automated code scan as part of their Tech Due Diligence solution. That way, you'll get a complete 360 degree view of what's under the hood. 

By following the process outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Tech Due Diligence process is thorough and effective, delivering the critical information to validate your decision to invest in a given technology infrastructure. It's important to keep in mind that a Tech Due Diligence done right can help you steer clear of costly mishaps and move you towards investing in structures that could have greater potential for growth.

Examine the use of open source software

Although OSS can bring significant benefits and save a lot of time, it can also come with potential risks that may have a high financial and legal costs.

One of the primary risks associated with OSS is the possibility of violating intellectual property (IP) rights. It is therefore fundamental to ensure that the audited organisation has proper processes in place to control and regulate the use of open-source software internally and ensure this usage complies with the license's T&Cs.

Many OSS licenses have specific requirements that must be followed, such as providing attribution or making any modifications to the open-source component available to the public. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in lawsuits and costly fines. A well-designed Tech Due Diligence will thus include an analysis of the open source and other third-party licenses used by the company and an assessment of whether they are complying with all requirements. The results of this due diligence will be even more insightful if the process includes a source code scan, able to identify all the open-source and third-party software in use in the source code.


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Marine Yborra CMO Vaultinum
Marine YborraMarine is our Marketing Director. She is a branding and brand activation specialist with international experience in BtoB and BtoC.

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