The ulimate guide to Tech Due Diligence

What is Tech Due Diligence?
Tech Due Diligence is the process of evaluating a company's technology assets and intellectual property to identify any potential risks or issues. This is particularly important in the tech industry where immaterial assets such as software can be a company's most valuable asset. It helps companies to make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks before they become actual problems.
Why is Tech Due Diligence Important?
Tech Due Diligence is important because it helps companies to:
- Identify any potential legal or regulatory risks
- Evaluate the quality and value of a company's technology assets, including their scalability
- Assess any potential cybersecurity risks
- Ensure that the company's intellectual property is protected
Without proper Tech Due Diligence, companies could face legal or financial consequences due to overlooked risks or issues.
What Does Tech Due Diligence Involve?
Tech Due Diligence typically involves a comprehensive review of a company's technology assets, including:
- Source code analysis
- Software licenses, including open source software
- Patents and trademarks
- Data privacy policies
- Cybersecurity measures
- Human capital and efficiency
At Vaultinum, our Tech Due Diligence solutions are run in 3 steps: an online assessment, a full code scan to identify any potential coding issues or vulnerabilities, and an interview with an IT Expert that contextualises the results and provides an actionable report that is understandable for non tech people. Vaultinum’s Tech Due Diligence Solutions will thus assess the entire IT infrastructure, in a 360-degree, data-driven approach.
Tech Due Diligence is a critical process for companies in the tech industry or their investors. Its purpose is to assess the quality of a Tech company’s software in terms of cybersecurity, intellectual property, scalability, and maintainability and ensure they are compliant with regulatory requirements and aligned with the company’s business strategy. The results will be more insightful if the provider’s Tech Due Diligence methodology includes a comprehensive code scan.
By working with a trusted third party like Vaultinum, companies can rest assured that their technology assets have been thoroughly evaluated and any potential risks have been identified.
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